by brokenrecordbaby





My published work

by brokenrecordbaby

To organize a sort of online portfolio I’ve arranged a bit of my work on a new blog which you can find  on


by brokenrecordbaby

I had a trial shift at a Kreuzberg restaurant. I got there to a pretty dead place. I wiped cutlery and pulled two pints of beer. The only other person working with me said it didn’t get much more exciting. I contemplated while sipping my juice. Money I need. But fun I need too. So after an hour of intense boredom I threw off my oversized apron (not a good look) and bounced. I’m not a quitter…I just know what I want and don’t want.

And I’m glad that I left when I did because I got to see the sun colour the sky a rich pink and purple over the canal with loads of people hanging out, drinking and playing music on the famous Admiralbruecke (that would be a bridge).

And then I went out drinking in search of a job…

Agnes Thor Photography

by brokenrecordbaby


“Don’t you know this Mona Lisa is taking you for a ride?”

Agnes Thor Photography

Beirette Analog Pics

by brokenrecordbaby

I took these pics in April during a hitchhiking trip to Leipzig and Dresden. I bought an old analog camera at a Dresden fleamarket and opened the back revealing a probably 20-30 year old film. Ooops. But I still took pictures with it (the black and white ones) and the results are kinda cool.

Bloody Bartending

by brokenrecordbaby

Photo by Ramon Haindl

Bless You, Andy!

by brokenrecordbaby

Strangers with Fire

by Lisa

I attended a local couchsurfing event in Newark, Delaware. The “theme” if you want to call it that was pot luck with everyone bringing a dish. This made for an interesting menu that consisted of edamame, Coors Light Beer, stromboli, and other little snacks.

It was a fun night, considering the fact that everyone was meeting for the first time. However, when the shared passion is traveling, it makes for never-ending conversation. As the sun went down our hosts’ roommate and two of his friends decided to put on a fire-spinning show on their front lawn. I was told that Madison Drive (the street where they live) is where local fire spinning enthusiasts meet up once or twice a week to… well, spin!

It was so mesmerizing that I offered to take some photos, which they absolutely loved. I was even invited back to come and photograph them later…

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Andrea Mary Marshall

by brokenrecordbaby

Boston born New York based self portraiture artist and photographer ANDREA MARY MARSHALL.

My Deportation… A Milestone Pt. 2

by Lisa

“It’s going to be hard to find a room because Wimbeldon and Glastonbury festival is going on right now”

I was standing in front of the hotel booking agent desk trying to figure out my options. Sleeping in the airport was not an option as I couldn’t get back to the gate area as I was now stuck. By this time I had already spent twenty pounds on two phone cards that ran out at least five minutes short of the twenty-eight allotted minutes. During that time I was able to call my friend and my mother to let them know what happened.

“Is there anything a bit closer to the hotel available?” My eyes felt puffy and irritated and now that I was nearing the twenty-third hour without sleep, I was just running on the idea of being able to get a hot shower and falling into a bed.

“Well if you don’t mind waiting, I’ll call around and see what I can get for you.” God… everyone is so helpful and nice. I thanked him and waited. I walked to a newsstand and bought the Glastonbury Review issue of NME and some gummies in order to break change for the internet kiosk. More emails were sent and I went back to the desk.

“Ok so there was one room left at the Comfort Inn. It’s going to be 170 and that includes the ride from the shuttle to the hotel and back in the morning in time to check in for your flight.”

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